Rio Tinto Twin Stacker Boom Fabrication & Installation
Rio Tinto
Contract Period
Jun - Oct 2021
Peak Manning
Dampier Salt Mine, Pilbara
Mining & Resources
AusGroup (now part of Altrad) was commissioned to fabricate, machine, surface treat, assemble and install the two CV401 & CV402 stacker boom replacements. Each were fully dressed with idlers, guards, grating and handrail and both were assembled to the stringent requirements of the client.
Salt processing has its complexities with constant corrosion, so emphasis was placed on specialist surface treatment on the booms and the isolation of stainless steel from carbons.
The two CV401 and CV402 Stacker Booms were transported from AusGroup Kwinana Operations to site in Dampier ready for the team to install on site.
- (2) Boom lengths: 33 meters each
- Weight: 18 tonnes each
- Specialist fabrication and welding
- Specialist Surface Treatment to prevent salt
- corrosion
- Transportation planning from AusGroup Kwinana
- facility to the project location in Dampier
- Transportation of structure to site
- Onsite installation and ground support crews